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Re: [LUG] Connecting to Windows 2003 server from debian


On 15/02/11 07:17:43, Henry Bremridge wrote:
In the office, I can connect immediately to the server using the

    mount.cifs //Directory my_mount_point/ -v -o

I am also told there are no firewalls or anything but when I try
from home using the command

    mount.cifs //Server_IP_Address/Directory my_mount_point/ -v -o

Then I get the error message

    mount error(110): Connection timed out
    Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

If however I open up firefox then I can see Windows Small Business
Server 2003 (but cannot mount the directory and read read/write files)
Different ports in use? Might need to alter the firewall, most people  
don't leave windows open,all the bad smells come in. :-)

Email: stinga@xxxxxxxxxxxxx      o
You need only two tools.        o /////
A hammer and duct tape. If it    /@   `\  /) ~
doesn't move and it should,     >  (O)  X<  ~  Fish!!
use the hammer. If it moves and  `\___/'  \) ~
shouldn't, use the tape.           \\\

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