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On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 10:44 AM, tom <tompotts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi Tom
> Someone wrote their girlfriend had a laptop for tesco direct . I was
> wondering how it was behaving?
> That Medion Viv mentioned looked pretty good too...
> Tom te tom te tom
I think that was me, although she is not my girlfriend. She recently
bought a £400 Toshiba laptop from Tesco's direct. Its a nice machine
and behaving well so far. I installed Libreoffice for her tonight and
used it to open some .pptx and docx (2010/2007) files. It opens them
virtually perfectly (unlike my older copy of open office).
Roly :-)
One more thing Tom - The medion that I use was bought as a desktop replacement and is only moved around very rarely. The newer, cheaper laptops don't seem to be as well made as the older, well known brand laptops that are still going strong from 6+ years ago. I don't know how well the medions would fare if they spent a lot of time being moved around from one place to another.
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