is the pin in the charging socket loose,if so then a complete strip down and a new piece soldered on to board,the socket costs about £5.00 the rest is labour. alex the noob
--- On Tue, 8/2/11, colin james <doodlesmcpooh@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: colin james <doodlesmcpooh@xxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: [LUG] Laptop Repair To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: Tuesday, 8 February, 2011, 9:30
On 8 February 2011 09:27, Ray Smith <rjsmith@xxxxxxx> wrote:
My laptop turned off unexpectedly while I was watching a film.
I assumed it had overheated as sometimes happens and the thermal cutout had
cut in.
It came back on after 5 minutes and then 5 minutes later switched off
Battery was fully charged, light is on,on the power adapter,but no power
light comes on when plugging it into the main.
So it looks dead, have been nable to turn it on for 24 hours now and not
even able to run from mains with the battery removed so I don't think it's
the charger adapteror the battery at fault.
Anyway, it was a PC world job (yes I know,silly me) and the warranty ran out
2 weeks ago plus I didn't opt into extended cover at over 200 pounds.
You tend to assum if you have no problems for a year things are reliable.
Anyone know of somewhere near Plymough that doesn't charge an arm and a leg
for repairs.
I can't afford a new machine and am using tghe wife's netbook for email and
Slightly underpowered for Secondlife though :p
The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
Don't take it to PC world. They have a minimum charge for fixing laptops of £225(ish) It may be even more now but its one of the things I remember from my month working for Currys/PC world.
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