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Re: [LUG] Security and SSH


On Sat, 22 Jan 2011, Neil Winchurst wrote:

On 22/01/11 16:20, Philip Hudson wrote:
Philip's making it seem more complicated. Really, using ssh with a
username and password is no different from using FTP, Telnet, rsh,
etc. Once you have the basic interactive login working, then you can
wory about keys, etc.

Exactly. First two steps only for the simple case. Sorry for bringing
step 3 in when it's not necessary.

So, it sounds like sshd is already installed on the website system

Now, have a look in your package manager GUI -- you use KUbuntu and
Mint, so that'll be Synaptic. Is 'openssh' already installed? If not,
install it.

After this, you should be able to connect from the command line using:

# ssh <username>@<web-site-host-name-or-IP>

where 'username' is the username you use to login to the remote machine,
not the username you use on the local machine, if different.

I have tried this and I get the error message

ssh: connect to host pamneil.com port 22: Connection refused

I must be missing something.

The remote site either isn't running sshd or has been firewalled.

If your control panel shows sshd enabled, then you might need to look further - e.g. firwalling of some sort. It's also possible that the host you ssh into isn't the same host that your site is on - depending on how the hosting company set stuff up. They might also be using a different port.


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