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[LUG] torplay centre



Just got a message back from torplay centre, 11 South Street Torquay

1. they are happy for us to do a presentation there
2. they have a projector but no screen

both good to me, I am sure between us we can find a screen they do
however say they have whiteboards that we can perhaps project on to.

3. They have wi-fi for customers

4. they don't have any laptops or computers on site, slightly unrelated
but something we can perhaps help with as a lug.

Could someone in torquay perhaps check out the parking situation nearby

I am happy to arrange for me to go in and have a chat with them, however
if possible if someone can go with me, they can ask questions too.  I
know people are busy so if this isn't possible then i will go in myself.

40 quid a session
Sessions are : Morning 8-12, Afternoon 1-5, Evening 6-10

opening times are on the website somewhere


TO me this sounds like it could be what we are looking for,  we just
need to follow it up,   May try and get in to have a chat and then
arrange for a few of us to go in on a Saturday,



Paul Sutton Cert SLPS (Open)

17th September 2011 - Software freedom day

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