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On 15/12/10 11:12, Gibbs wrote:
I used to think he was a bit of a militant dickhead - and he does rub up the wrong way A LOT - but I generally find that if I laugh at what he's saying as some kind of purist ideology within 10 years I'm spouting the same purist ideology having found out the hardway. And thats another reason not to like him - no one likes a smartarse especially when they're right! He probably gets a lot of bad press because what he says, when it catches on, demonetises huge null markets and many pointless but huge organisations loose a lot of our cash that they didn't deserve in the first place.On 15/12/10 11:02, tom wrote:I don't like Stallman when it comes to free software. He seems to push it a bit too far and make the whole thing sound radical which kind of backfires. He has a good point most of the time though and that can't be denied, just like on that article.http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/12/15/stallman_on_chrome_os/ But he's right pretty much most of the time. Tom te tom te tomGibbs
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