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[LUG] Using a Garmin Forerunner with ANT+ in ubuntu


I have recently purchased a Garmin Forerunner 410 which relies on an ANT+ usb stick to communicate wireless-ly between the watch and the computer.  So far I have been unable to configure the ANT+ stick to work under ubuntu.

I have tried the following;

Installing the windows drivers for the stick under wine.
Installing firefox using wine and installing the plugin for garmin in firefox - does not find the device.
Using a utility called "gant" which is a linux version of the windows ant agent. I get errors relating to no /dev/ttyUSB0

I have tried removing the blacklist ed garmin_gps from blacklist.conf
Checking the output from dmesg
and various modprobe/modprobe -r gps_garmin etc but to no avail...

What I was wondering if anyone has had any luck getting gant to work?
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