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Re: [LUG] The beach hut and shoreline meetings


> So are we going to meet in January at the Shoreline?
> I'll remember to put some thermals on as it'll no doubt be a bit chilly.
> Rob

Well i have called the shots and arranged these meetings now, plus got
some publicity for the meetings. so if no lug members turn up, then it
will look bad on the group,

As I said i can't go due to rugby commitments,  so figured if I didn't
arrange something in paignton no one else would partly due to lack of
time so while i have some free time i will arrange things.

I was asked off list when i have seen people around town about meetings
in Paignton, so its for their benefit too, come one people want to meet

We have 4 meetings booekd in 4 months, these are going to be promoted in
both the beach hut and reconnect magazine so we could gain new members,

Once again I will am trying to organised a venue with a projector but
due to lack of funds what is the point in this.  we want to meet and do
more formal stuff just lack resources to do so.   So over the next 4
meets I will leave it to people to sort out how we can raise the money
to book something more formal

the shoreline may not be ideal but at least its open and has food /
drinks, wifi available, the lighthouse doesn't as yet.  meeting at the
rugby club on match days is out of the question, meeting at the library
needs paperwork + pat tests,  the list of barriers goes on.

if we meet anywhere else I need a lift,



Paul Sutton Cert SLPS (Open)

17th September 2011 - Software freedom day

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