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[LUG] FTP Syncing


I manage a lot of websites that are hosted on Windows/Linux servers and I have absolutely no access to do anything (except some bad H-Sphere panel). The panel doesn't provide anything useful (not even manual backups) so I'm forced to think out the box. With things like rsync out of the question I was thinking of using an FTP sync script - not efficient I know but I'm struggling with alternatives.

I've tried, what seems to be fairly popular, a perl script called ftpsync but I can't get it to work.

If anyone has any experience with this am I missing a trick? I'm using:

perl ftpsync.pl -gn ftpserver=server.co.uk ftpdir='/' ftpuser=user ftppasswd=pass "/home/gibbs/test/" "ftp://user:pass@xxxxxxxxxxxx//"

It seems adamant that a root directory is specified (which there isn't) hence the double slashes etc.

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