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Re: [LUG] November 6th Meeting Cancelled


On 25 October 2010 22:53, Rhia Knowles <rhiadratech@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 25 October 2010 22:18, Rob Beard <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 25/10/10 21:27, Tom Brough wrote:
>>> It is with great sadness that I have to announce that the 6th November
>>> meeting planned to take place at Paignton Library has now been
>>> cancelled. It is very unlikely that I will get the council to reverse
>>> its draconian and risk adverse policy on PAT testing. Other than a
>>> change in the "law" as they see it, they will not budge.
>>> Short of civil disobedience Im not sure what the next step is. In my
>>> dreams I have visions of storming Paignton Library with pitch forks and
>>> touches, but I know that isn't going to happen.
>>> I will however write a letter to Adrian Sanders and inform him that this
>>> is going to be a big issue for community groups when then clash with
>>> bureaucratic processes prevalent in public sector. Short of dismantling
>>> HSE regs I'm not sure what will make them budge.
>>> I'm very disappointed in myself for thinking that this was going to be
>>> an easy ride, having worked for the council for 13 years now I do feel
>>> responsible for this outcome. I wanted us to have an option of having a
>>> "classroom" type venue as an option for certain meetings (where training
>>> could be arranged and delivered) however it seems that we are back at
>>> square one.
>>> The only alternative I now see is to form our own CIC (Community
>>> Interest Company) and grab as much funding as possible get formal, get
>>> premises and put out (costed) training.
>>> Tom
>> Oh well, you tried your best Tom, no one can fault you for that.  Heck, no
>> one can fault you at all, it's the council who is at fault.
>> We'll find a venue, might just take a bit longer.
>> Rob
And a friendly spy suggests this place
http://www.ogwol.org.uk/images/sphall1.jpg which he could negotiate a
cheaper rent to.

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