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Re: [LUG] New Computers


 On 13/10/2010 10:40, Gordon Henderson wrote:
Sometimes really hard to beat pre-built deals though, but the issue you'll then have is that of doing a Windows install from scratch which I hear is harder then Linux these days...
Actually Win7 Pro was a doddle to install - seller would have installed and tested whatever OS I wanted but I'd already got the install media. Shove the disk in and tell it to get on with it - only pause was to tell it the region (UK). Personally I'd like Windows install to be more like Linux and allow more customisation of file locations, e.g. My Documents, Program Files etc. With Linux provided you've been sensible with the /home location etc you don't need to reinstall every single program if you reinstall the OS. With Windows it's rare to find a program you *don't* have to reinstall.
As fast as you can afford. Set a budget... And you might find that "green" 1TB drives are only a few quid more...
1Tb Samsung from Ebuyer - £40.


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