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[LUG] Bristol Wireless Cornwall W/end



           I am a new member to the list having joined recently after moving to Cornwall. I have been a member of Bristol Wireless for some time and am arranging a get together on the W/E of 17-19 Sept at Porth Nr Newquay. The event is a social gathering of like minded people. I would like to invite DCLUG members along to participate or just interact with others who are interested in OS IT and technology. Any members interested in coming along please e mail me direct for further information. j.palfrey@xxxxxxxxxx


The Linux Lounge bus will be present. This double decker bus has been converted to promote Open Source Technology. (bus based in Porth) The idea is to bring OS IT and green technology to the public’s attention. The bus will by attending festivals and events next year in the West Country and we are looking for people to help out with the presentation and technical support.


Looking forward to meeting some of you over the weekend.


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