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Re: [LUG] OT: Spam from Yahoo and Hotmail


On 27/06/2010 21:20, Dave Foxcroft wrote:
On 27/06/2010 08:20, Gordon Henderson wrote:
On Sun, 27 Jun 2010, Simon Waters wrote:

Is this an uptick, or just coincidence that I know people, who know
people, whose details have been owned this last month or so. Looks like
typically the emails are sent as replies, or to people in their address
book or inbox, but I guess that is easier to code and gets a better
response rate.

I've had a few recently like this - most noticable in that they're posting to closed mailling lists I run, so they're posting as the person who's account is compromised - note sure if the spammers have hijacked their PC or their Yahoo/Hotmail (and AOL in one instance) account - although when I've contacted them and asked them to change their passwords to the services it has stopped...

I wonder if thats someone snooping on public Wi-Fi hotspots? Or they just get some other keylogger on their PCs, etc...


My in-laws have had their yahoo accounts compromised twice in recent weeks... same M.O. - emails sent out to all their contacts containg a single URL and sent items cleared.

They have not had their PC compromised nor have they accessed their accounts via public wifi etc so it looks like some sort of automated effort maybe taking advantage of weak passwords.


I've had three or four friends have their Hotmail accounts compromised as well. Identical scenario - spam url which I know instantly they didn't send.


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