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Re: [LUG] Bootable USB disk


 On 24/06/2010 19:58, Henry Bremridge wrote:
Trying to download and burn a Debian bootable ISO and for some reason I am
failing.. Can someone tell me where I have gone wrong (I have even tried
burning it from a flashy windows 7 machine)

Ideally would like a bootable usb flash drive as that saves on yet another

I have tried

wodim debian*iso
wodim -v -dao deb*iso

I know I am missing something silly: any assistance greatfully appreciated

I was under the impression that wodim is for burning CD/DVD media rather than writing to USB sticks, could be wrong though as I've only seen it's messages in K3b.

Anyway, maybe this may help?


Other than that, you could try this (looks to be available for Linux and Windows)...



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