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On 21/06/10 15:29, stinga@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
12 meters - should be able to get 11g @ 54mbs easily and 11n @ 300Mbs - just stick the router near a window close to the other building and an access point there...On 19/06/10 11:21:10, Adrian Midgley (Gmail) wrote:On Sat, 2010-06-19 at 09:07 +0100, stinga@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > 1g would be good, we are shifting large files around the place. Put the machine that is dealing with the large file near where the large file is, and stream pictures of its desktop using X11 or RDP or VNC to where you want to manipulate it, instead.Opps, (Adrian knows what I mean)Anyway, 12mtrs building to building, can't move people closer to server, too many people for one building.
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