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How widely is it used these days? When I was at university in the second half of the 90s -- and was first introduced to Unix -- it was the thing everyone who wanted to do more than send emails and browse the web used. Now I can see why PHP has taken over for website development, as it is a lot more user-friendly, and Linux had become a lot less CLI-dependent but for anything that involves processing text data, it is still a great, fast and simple tool to use. It is my main tool in my job, which involves email processing and a bit of web development, and I wouldn't want to use something else. However, when I talk to people who know a a bit about programming and stuff and tell them I mostly use Perl, they stare at me as if I just told them I browse the web using Quarterdeck Mosaic. So do people still use Perl professionally? Privately? Are new people (say at uni) still learning Perl? Martijn. PS apologies to the mods for sending this message from an invalid address just before. I had forgotten I had switched from googlemail.com to gmail.com. -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html