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Re: [LUG] OT ish: Anyone here live in Newton Abbot around Shaldon Road area?


Gordon Henderson wrote:
On Thu, 3 Jun 2010, Rob Beard wrote:

I know Eclipse have unbunded the NA exchange, although I guess that doesn't specifically mean they have a POP in the Exchange.

Eclipse? (ie. Kingston?) I didn't know they were in the LLU game yet...

 From Sam Knows:


AOL, O2/Be, C&W/Bulldog, Sky, TalkTalk(CPW) & Tiscali are the only unbundled ones I can see..

Unless Eclipse/Kingston is reseling C&W or something like that...

Word on the street is Tiscali is their network partner, but the word on the street isn't always reliable and all academic from my bit of East Devon.


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