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Re: [LUG] OT - Lego Printer


On 02/06/10 20:49, Gordon Henderson wrote:
On Wed, 2 Jun 2010, Grant Sewell wrote:

Hi all,

Don't know if any of you have seen this yet - was on the /. RSS feed


I did like this Lego printer, I see they developed their own controller and driver for it.

It's good, but there's a lot more out there that's better - (as well as
all the rubiks cube solvers)

OK - Cube Stormer:


That is great, I could do with one of these, normally I peel the stickers off!

Now that you're warmed up, how about a Lego car making factory?

Select the colours and off you go:


Makes a small car out of Lego :)

I love that, bit long winded to watch but I think it's pretty cool. Must have taken ages to build.

I have a steamer trunk of Lego Mindstorms/technic/pneumatic - just wish
I had the time to play with it all!!!


I'm amazed at what can be done. I had a technic car when I was younger but never really had the patience to do much with it, then I lost some of the bits etc. But hey now I have kids, it gives me a good excuse to maybe invest in some Lego, for the kids of course.


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