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Re: [LUG] meeting saturday


On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 8:42 PM, Paul Sutton <zleap@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi
> OK the dates for the next meet are below in my signature so no need to
> put them in the body too,
> I will be around the lighthouse probably from about 13:30, so if anyone
> wants to drop in, for example to get food.  The cafe will be open for
> food etc,  and is much cheaper than the shoreline :)
> been trying to sort these computers out,  plug in psu, plug in to mother
> board, turn on and the fan fires up but i get nothing else,
> On an important note regarding parking,  it seems that the seafront in
> paignton is now closed.
> Paul

I *may* be able to come this time!  On another note regarding parking
- where is available?  I don't know Paignton at all. :(


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