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Re: [LUG] New router security


On Fri, 28 May 2010, Neil Winchurst wrote:

John Williams wrote:
On Thu, 2010-05-27 at 17:53 +0100, Neil Winchurst wrote:

As this problem is dragging on a bit, and frankly the risk in Holsworthy
is negligable, I would say it is starting to become more hassle than its
worth. I would just use WEP as its "good enough", I'm not sure where you
live in town, but how many people are around you in range and do you
feel they are a risk of cracking your wifi, even WEP.

There are a number of open wifi's in town, 3 or 4 in the square alone so
if yours is locked its just not worth the agro for anyone else. Oh, and
if yours was in the square before... Thanks, I checked my email a couple
of times :]

You've broken the law - please turn yourself into the nearest plod station and plead guilty.

See: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/07/25/uk_war_driver_fined/ for example. More here too: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article552082.ece

I use WEP here, simply because it was configured years ago and I'm too
lazy to go around changing all the devices (ps3's, wii, pda, laptop,
netbooks, desktops, ipod etc)

Living in a field 75m from the road with the nearest house 0.5miles away
helps though :]

Thanks, John!!

Up to now I have not had any security at all. Yes, where I live there is
very little chance of anyone around being able/bothered to log on to my

However, I will look at it a bit longer to see what happens. If it
becomes too much hassle I will take your advice.

If it saves just one child brigade...

And if someone does use your Wi-Fi access point to download something dodgy and it's traced back to your IP address/home, etc. then how are you going to be able to prove innocence? Even when you are, how much inconvenience is it going to cause? You'll have all your computers confiscated, you'll be taken away, jailed, then even when you're proven innocent, the neighbours will start to talk, rumours will spread and so on.

It's utter garbage, but this is the world we live in.


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