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Re: [LUG] If you've not seen it yet ...


John Williams wrote:
On Sat, 2010-05-22 at 07:00 +0100, tom wrote:
Julian Hall wrote:
On 21/05/2010 22:20, Gordon Henderson wrote:
Go to http://www.google.co.uk/ and click on the insert coin button...


Cool... I like it :)

Makes you realise just how good javascript can be...
Tom te tom te tom
Can you please wrap tags around comments like that Tom, I was unable to
discern whether it was sarcastic and a rant was incoming ;))

In any event, You should take a look at Gnome Shell (as I keep
mentioning) for a demonstration of what JS can be capable of, even when
used for evil ;)

No need for tags! What's always amazed me about JavaScript is how its taken 15 years for people to do things like that - I havent even bothered to look at the Gnome shell - I just know it will either disappoint or annoy or both. I was writing 'ajax' type stuff in 1995 (whenever frames came out) and was only scuppered by jscript and lack of time...
SVGA should have been a revolution but for the same reason I guess...
Tom te tom te tom

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