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Re: [LUG] OT: Google fonts for the web


On Thu, 20 May 2010, Simon Waters wrote:

Funnily enough I have a script that wraps up a list of Debian
re-distributable fonts into format suitable to install onto your webserver.

Of course I didn't have the cash to hand to employee font designers.


Fascinating - well, for me as a non web designer, anyway. I really am clueless when it comes to the nuts & bolts of css, etc. but I tried that example and got it to work after a fashion:


but what bothers me is how it actually works - I presume it has to get some magic "stuff" off the link referred to in the embedded url, and somehow download the entire font definition to the browser so the browser can then render the text - it starts to introduce many site dependencies into what should (could?) be a simple web page... (At least I think that's how it's working - I really am not up on the details)

So add that to a page, add in the google log/stats thing, addwords, add in some externaly sourced banner ad's add in some other external "stuff" and what was a simple web page now relies on half a dozen external servers to work to just display the page...

And haven't google just changed the page ranking mathematica to include page load times?



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