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Re: [LUG] CD Inserts for Ubuntu CD's


On 10/05/10 23:13, Grant Sewell wrote:

Don't have any LightScribable discs at the moment - when funds return
to pre-Wedding levels I will pick up a pack.

In the mean-time, if anyone has the time or inclination:

I've tried the png in the Lacie LightScribe tool and it centres nicely
and looks like it should print/burn/etch/whatever OK.

As far as I can tell, the Lacie tool works best with bitmap images
(JPG/PNG) at the same resolution (2773x2773) as the templates.
Unfortunately in the SVG file the Ubuntu logo isn't centred, so I had
to play about with it in GIMP a bit.

If anyone with better Inkscape skills than I fancies adding some text
(either Ubuntu or LUG specific) going around the edge of the logo, and
perhaps centring it so it works straight-away after exporting it to
PNG, then that'd be excellent.

Grant. :)

Looks good, I'm half tempted to get some discs myself, but I have a 
feeling that my only DVD writer with this feature takes the other format 
(the one competing with LightScribe).  Still DVD writers are cheap as 
chips so I'll probably pickup a LightScripe compatible one when I get a 
new one.

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