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Re: [LUG] web admin vacancy - torbay council


Gordon Henderson wrote:
On Wed, 5 May 2010, Paul Sutton wrote:


Hope its ok to post this here.  There is a web administrator vacancy
going at torbay council,  just thought there may be someone here who is


  Salary Details: £18,453 - £21,519 (subject to Job Evaluation and pay
    award pending)

Subject to Job Evaluation...

  Employment Status: Temporary

So they can get rid of you quickly...

  Fixed term for 12 months

Does no-one do proper jobs anymore? So much for getting a career...

They'd probably be better off simply asking a local (to devon) company to manage their website for them. It'd probably be cheaper too...
Cheaper? From my experience getting a contractor in to do council work is several times more expensive than inhouse.
Tom te tom te tom

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