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Re: [LUG] open university Linux course


On 29/04/10 17:04, Eion MacDonald wrote:

On 29/04/2010 16:25, Paul Sutton wrote:

Thought this may be of interest to people


t155 Linux : an introduction - OU course

Needs 2003 /4 hardware and at least 2Gb RAM.
Is not suitable for older hardware as it uses a virtual OS within
Windows or Linux to allow course to adjust/maintain / alter the Ubuntu
stable long term version used during the course.
My old Athlon 1000 and 512 MB RAM deemed 'inadequate'.
Do they provide a specific virtual machine image?

Looking at the site it says it requires a 2GHz CPU, 256MB Ram (or more with Windows 7), Windows XP/Vista/7 or MacOS 10.4/10.05 (further down the mention an Intel CPU) or a recent Linux distribution and a DVD drive.
This bit gets me...

"Because there are so many distributions of LINUX designed for different hardware platforms and users requirements, we cannot be prescriptive about which distribution and/or platform you should use. Normally, we would expect that the majority of LINUX users have Firefox as their web browser. The Open University course software that is browser-based is tested on Firefox. Depending on your LINUX distribution you may have to install additional applications into the browser, such as Flash or Shockwave. Depending on the other requirements of your course, for example the electronic assignment system, you may need to provide and install other software, such as a word processor, into your LINUX computer."
Um... Shockwave for Linux?

Seriously though, looking at the technical requirements, it's actually reasonably well written, it gives the student details of what they need (and it mentions OpenOffice and VirtualBox).
I dare say it would run on your old Athlon 1000 with 512MB Ram, just 
might be a bit slow that's all.  Plus if you're really stuck you may 
well be able to pick up something like a Pentium 4 or Athlon XP off 

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