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Re: [LUG] Linux OU course


On 25/04/2010 14:36, Rob Beard wrote:
Does that include exam fees etc (and am I right in thinking it's only 
£185 rather than say 3 lots of £185?).
Just the one payment of £185
If so, doesn't seem too bad really if you get a recognized qualification at the end of it.
You only get a recognised qualification if you go and take the Comptia Linux+ exam, which is not part of the course! -I've no idea if the course will fully prepare to pass the Linux+ exam or not - this course is a new one so I guess that is is a case of suck it and see!
Am I right in thinking you can use the points too with other points 
from other OU courses to build up a degree type qualification?
Yep - anyone interested would need to check out what successful completion of this course will count towards.
FWIW  I have tried several technology based OU courses in the past and 
IMHO the content on the OU courses I took tended to be dull and dated - 
a lot of the course software was old - yeah it worked but relied on 
windows and even then didn't work that well without having to jump 
through hoops so I gave up on them I and opted to go and  complete a 
degree at Plymouth instead. I know a few people who have been OU 
students and loved it - they did not study anything technology related 
though so whether that has anything to do with it I can't say.
Now having been considering the Comptia Linux+ for a while now I decided 
to give this course a whirl - I have enrolled and paid for the MAY 2010 
course and will see if it does what says on the tin.

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