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Re: [LUG] base64 email bodies (was Someone on the list rejecting email?)


On Thu, 15 Apr 2010, Simon Waters wrote:

Benjamin M. A'Lee wrote:
Actually, I believe the standard is to use ....
The standard sucks, I had a quick look and had forgotten how bad it was.

Classic committee response, try and encompass all the ways it is
currently done - rather than saying "do it this way".

Time to reinvent SMTP I think, the main problem was everyone has wanted
to solve the "spam" problem, which I suspect is the wrong problem to be
worrying about.

Of course several folks have already reinvented SMTP.... but they all
want to own it.

Whatever happened to Google Wave?
Hm. It has all gone quiet there, hasn't it... I never actualy tried it 
myself, but I was under the impression that you needed a gmail account to 
use it with... Neat idea if everyone in the world uses gmail as I 
understand it... (See above).
But from what I saw, I think it was just too different, and the 
top-posters of the world just didn't "get it".
(Back to pine, reading up on procmail)

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