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Re: [LUG] OT:Agricultural Census 2010


james kilty wrote:
On Thu, 2010-02-04 at 07:20 +0000, tom wrote:

Not quite - that is the annual survey. I'm talking about a census.
OK so (given the fork in the discussion) what should we be saying to our


I've  finally had a reply from Defra saying they will reply.
So I suppose I could wait till I get some solid (as in Heisenberg) facts but you could ask him or her to investigate the matter with concerns over loss of grants from the EU pointing out the information is not available and since the census is this year urgency is required, with the additional mention of departmental IT incompetance that they cant write a simple web questionare that pops up on screen with all the N/A buttons pre clicked, and simple html/ javascritp walk-through so yes:goto page2 no:goto page 147 actually work and it wont take someone with 2 cows and couple of sheep a lifetime to get through.
Tom te tom te tom

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