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Re: [LUG] signs


Grant Sewell wrote:
On Thu, 04 Feb 2010 18:42:28 +0000
Paul Sutton wrote:

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I know we have a dcglug banner but it looks like enigma signs in
Yalberton currently have a special offer on Â15 per meter signs


just wondered if its worth us clubbing together to raise Â15 + for a
ubuntu sign

or perhaps have Ubuntu Hour here to day or similar

So if / when we do have events relating to ubuntu we can put this up.

I'm not sure I'd agree with an Ubuntu banner - I don't like the idea of
promoting one specific distro over another.  Well, not like that
anyway.  I'm quite happy to recommend Ubuntu as a good distro to start
with, and maybe stick with if it suits them, but don't forget that this
is a Linux User Group, not an Ubuntu User Group.  (Incidentally, I'm an
Ubuntu user (as well as Debian & WebOS, and previously pretty much any
distro I could get my hands on), so it's not an elitist thing on my
I agree, if we were to make an Ubuntu banner then we'd need one for Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Mandriva, SuSE, PCLinuxOS etc etc
A simple Tux banner with a good, catchy "slogan" (for want of a better
expression... my mind is all a fuzz at the moment... bloody
rhinovirus!) would be far more appropriate.
"bloody rhinovirus!"

Ahh yeah, it has a kind of ring to it. How's about... Linux - better than having the bloody rhinovirus!

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