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Re: [LUG] DVB-T scan file for uk-StocklandHill


Dan Dart wrote:
My card is DIBCom 0700 - WinTV DVB-T Stick.
strange how they are called WinTV - they work better on Lin.

I'm using the Hauppauge WinTV Nova T-500 card, which I believe is
basically the same, but with two tuners and a USB<->PCI interface
on the card.  It does seem to work very well, though it appears to
require a relatively recent kernel/drivers.

But, I'm using the Mendip transmitter which I'm only about 3 miles
away from. So it might be worth taking what I say with a pinch of

I also use Mendip, though from the "wrong" side of the Quantocks,
about 30 miles away.  Sometimes it's a little ropey, but the alternative
is Stockland Hill, which is even worse.  That or Wenvoe.


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