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Re: [LUG] Spreading the Linux gospel


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Neil Winchurst wrote:
> John Hansen wrote:
>> Neil,
>> I think you hit the nail on the head! There are far too many options and
>> the file system leaves me cold.
>> I like my A,B,C,D,E,F drives! Why OH why does Linux need to make every
>> thing so complicated?
>> I would have thought the two types of Linux would suffice i.e. Gnome and
>> KDE. the motto being:
>> KISS (keep it simple stupid).
>> John W Hansen (who uses both Windows XP and Kubuntu)
> Yes, there are IMHO too many choices, but we are stuck with it. I think
> it is a weakness, not a strength. All the more need for long term help
> for anyone who moves across.
> Neil
I was going to add the following to your previous post but adding it
here seems more appropriate

To me this is where regular lug meets come in,  either people ask on
here, attend lug meets asks on IRC,  if lots of people want to know
about how linux permissions work I am sure this can be arranged at a lug
meet provided that

we have notice
people can make the meeting
someone is able to make it and give the talk on the subject.

Perhaps it can be a topic for ubuntu hour. (see other threads)

- --
Paul Sutton

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