On 01/08/2010 06:23 AM, Vivi Griffin wrote:
have been down that route myself, i find pclinux and mint to be
the easiest to install on "dodgy" machines (and they are both good for
multimedia) also a work around for a non booting machine is to use an
external h/d to boot off, dont ask me why it works this way but thats
the way i have gotten round it in the past.
When you say Ubuntu wouldn't install, did it come up with any error
messages? Is the CD okay? Did you try checking the CD for errors on
Same goes for PCLinuxOS (I'm assuming you can do a CD check on it).
You might also want to possibly try making a bootable USB stick and
installing from that.
Hi Rob, I tried 2 different Ubuntu discs - one of which was from a
Linux format mag. I must admit, I didn't check them. On advice from
Bas, I will download the very latest PCLinuxOS and Minime isos and do
checks on those discs before trying them. However, if I still have
problems, I will try booting from a USB stick as you suggest.
thanks, Viv
hi Viv, i font suppose its a sata h/d ? anyway, if it is when loading
pclinuxos you will find you can "search" for the sata drive (second
heading down, you will see what i mean),, wish you luck.