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Re: [LUG] Anyone here 11 - 19


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Vinothan Shankar wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-12-21 at 21:37 +0000, Paul Sutton wrote:
>> If anyone on the list is aged 11 to 19, then there is a group similar to
>> the lug that is aimed at this age range.
>> Digital freedom in education and youth,  their aim is simuilar to the
>> lug in terms of help / promotion of free software and Linux, but they
>> also seek to get more of this software in to schools, given that young
>> people have access to schools, teachers etc, whom it may be difficult
>> for lug members to get in touch with directly
>> If you are interested then the main website is http://www.dfey.org,
>> while the south west branch is at http://sw.dfey.org.
>> It would be nice to gain a few more members.  If you then want to
>> arrange meetings within your peer group then you can do.
>> I am currently supporting the main branch,  but have also set up a
>> facebook group for the south west group of which there are <5 members,
>> so we need more people.
>> We have a rather low traffic mailing list too, and irc channels on freenode.
> Wonderful, will join immediately! I'm currently Bristol-based but that's
> still southwest (and if you're wondering why I'm on the DCLUG mailing
> list, I'm a Totnes child!)
> I can't promise incredible amounts of activity, but we'll see what
> happens.
> Vin
Sounds good, look forward to hearing from you, I am on several of the
dfey mailing lists as well as the irc channel. Which as the lists are
low traffic, hopefully this will improve as more people join.


- --
Paul Sutton

Ubuntu 9.10 is out : Visit www.ubuntu.com for details
The January meeting of the DCLUG will now take place on SUNDAY 10th
January, 3pm at the shoreline in Paignton.
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