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george parker wrote:
I was very disappointed when Gordon said that he was put off going to bed with the latest Terry Pratchett by a mere psu fire. Poor excuse. I myself am saving the latest for some moment when I need pulling from the deepest depression, such as contemplation of our esteemed parliament. This set me to thinking that there could be a very high correlation between TP reading and GNU Linux addiction. Perhaps due to open minds? Anyone agree?I have all the Discworld series, some of the children's books, the New Discworld Companion and vol 3 of the Science of Discworld. I wasn't as keen on Nation, but I am looking (I nearly typed 'ooking' *LOL*) forward to Unseen Academicals coming out in paperback, as all my book reading is in bed and I don't fancy the black eye I'd give myself dropping the hardback on my face bursting out laughing :)Very sad to think that we may be coming to the end of these sparkling gems of insight, wit and imagination.George
When asked I describe TP as a mix of Monty Python and Tolkien - fantasy and hare-brained madness :) What are people's favourite books? Mine is usually 'the one I'm reading now' which is a cop-out, but in general I think Night Watch, or possibly Monstrous Regiment.
You are right George that it is sad to think we may be coming to the end, but console yourself with the legacy TP has given us, as every book is a fresh belly-laugh no matter how many times it's been read before.
Kind regards, Julian -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html