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Keith Abraham wrote:
Maybe its because I do programming and mess about with non-standard things that a re-install does fix by re-writing/pointing libraries. If its 'part; of the release like OO is a complete reinstall is not very time consuming and worth a try.Alan Pope wrote:2009/11/25 tom <tompotts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:synaptic will do a reinstall, if you've still go the packages it will usethem otherwise it will download them 0 which will be a bit slow.Reinstalling often fixes things - not sure why but some things get shuffled in the wrong order by later installs of something else. I must read up on package stuff again to see where its got to so I can make more intelligentmisdirections...I disagree. On Ubuntu (at least) re-installing an application _rarely_ fixes anything at all. Especially issues relating to data corruption (which this likely is). All reinstalling does is put the files back that were put in by the package installation. Most often it's either the configuration of the application or the data which is at fault. Re-installing the app won't touch either of those.
Tom te tom te tom
If I remember correctly a "complete removal" in Synaptic will remove the entire package including it's config files.Cheers, Al.Then a reinstall might fix your problem but it probably won't. Keith
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