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Re: [LUG] Any LXDE users out there?


Thanks Micheal this fixed my issues :)

2009/11/18 Michael Mortimore <nospamformike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 01:03:41 -0000, Rhia Knowles <rhiadratech@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

1)When i log in it autoloads Firefox, at a nonexistant address of
www.%u.comI've tried changing the launch command in firefox.desktop to

remove the %u
after it but this still happens. I'd like to either fix the autolaunch or
just remove it all together.
apparently LXDE will run whatever is in ~/.config/autostart so unless you want to autostart firefox just delete the appropriate file from there.

2)Is it possible to add other applications to the panel then the ones the
menu offers? Eg Tomboy notes or some equivilent?

right click on panel->add/remove panel items->add->application launch bar
the launch bar for me has pcman and firefox on it.
right click on application launch bar->"application launch bar" settings->add->choose something in the file browser.

hope this helps

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