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Paul Sutton wrote:
Basically the e-reader should be just a VERY slow low power screen with a small amount of mouse feedback and VERY low IO. I would imagine that you could have an e-ink screen, a very low power processor and some bluetooth that gives you a couple of controls and can talk to proper computers for days on end off an AAA rechargeable - that is the Unix philosophy! It does one job. And may work in the bath too. And the data on you PC could be shared to several of these too. I'd personally like a roll up version so I can stick it in the other pocket so my clamshell netbook can let me read while playing music on my wireless earphones.... Unless you interpret the above as, each unix command does 1 thing, but it does it really well, with lots of parameters, add that to lots of unix commands, each of which do 1 thing, but again with lots of parameters, and the ability to pipe output / input around, you end up with a powerful system. But yeah, if you had a reader that just did one thing, it would be great, i have seen electronic e-book readers, but they seem expensive, need batteries, probably not good for people who like to soak in the bath with a good book,
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