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bas wrote:
hi ,i dony know whether this is relevant but i have ubuntu9.04 on my old laptop and if i take out the hard drive and put into other laptops the just fire up and work normally,i was wondering if you put the hardrive into another laptop and load debian on it then transfer it back whether it would work.This is what I've ended up doing (reluctantly as it ment taking the drive out of the wife's laptop). I did managed to boot Damn Small Linux from a USB stick by using a DSL boot floppy and I transferred the Debian install files to the drive but it came up with some error about the installation signature.or am i way off track. alex the not so noobhi, done the same with pclinuxos on a 300Mhz lappy with 128 ram and kde! and yes it works, made the copy from a 700Mhz machine with 256 ram both machines ibm.bas.
I'll certainly be glad when it's done. Wouldn't have been a problem if it actually had a network card installed internally (it has a CAT5 port but requires a specific Dell Mini-PCI Ethernet card).
Rob -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html