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Re: [LUG] Well off topic, but any thoughts ? training on MS Project


I have worked in project management, and have used MS Project, and FOSS
equivalents, (and even CA's Project running on MS-DOS)

My first thought would be that learning Project Management as a method
(CPM, PERT etc) should be enough to use any of the Project Management
applications currently around. (MS Project, Open Project, GanttProject,
Planner etc)

The book by Dennis Lock "Project Management" (Gower) is very good,
although it is currently in the 9th edition, and I only have the 5th.

The big pitfall in then using software is that good project management
should always start with the network diagram (in order to work out the
task precedence), then work out the critical path and level the
resources, and only then produce the Gantt chart.

The big problem with all the software I know of (other than CA Project),
is that Microsoft distorted the method for ease of coding. So you have
to start with a bar chart (which they incorrectly call a Gantt chart)
and this gives you a network diagram (which they incorrectly call a PERT
chart) as a view of the bar chart. Unfortunately all the other
developers (proprietary and FOSS) followed the Microsoft model. 

Personally, I would still always create the project plan on paper, and
then just use the software for presentation and tracking - at least
until someone produces some software that fits the method.

The bottom line is that it is still better to learn Project Management
first, as it isn't difficult to then learn a particular software
package. Trying to learn Project Management by learning MS Project will
give a very distorted and confusing view of Project Management, and
could lead to lots of errors in the project plan.


On Mon, 2009-10-19 at 12:01 +0100, Eion MacDonald wrote:
> To All
> Dear Folks,
> I have colleague (one man company)who must use MS Project to run a major
> plant project with African Government and Funding suppliers.
> (Originally a charity project by him but now a world bank supported
> project)
> He has no training in MS Project.
> Question to those who admin MS systems, among all the many web  adverts
> of training sources is there any one company or trainer by internet that
> does a good job with a one man  operated company.
> (PS my interest- I review and write his contracts)
> Any help appreciated.
> Regards
> Eion MacDonald

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