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Re: [LUG] problems with 1.5TB drive


Michael Mortimore wrote:
I got a new 1.5TB sata drive (samsung I think). The drive is detected by my sata controller on boot and /dev/sdb appears. So far so good.

First alarm bell is that /dev/sdb1 doesn't exist and i was under the impression that drives normally come preformatted these days, or at least with a partition table.

cfdisk and fdisk complain that they can't seek on the drive.
parted complains that the label /dev/sdb isn't recognised.
hexdump -C -n 100 /dev/sdb just reports lots of zeros
echo 1 > /dev/sdb complained it couldn't write

I know the sata controller card works fine because I have a 1TB drive connected to it and I can use that fine.
I've switched over the cables and ports so i know they're fine.

My question is: is there a size limit between 1TB and 1.5TB that I've never heard of before or is the drive just DOA?

Drives don't come pre-formatted or partitioned unless they're external drives. If they're external at this size they are generally pre-formatted for NTFS (or presumably HFS+ if they're Mac drives).

If the drive detected in the BIOS?

Do you have another SATA drive installed which is working?

Is the drive detected in dmesg?

You could also be worth downloading the Samsung drive diagnostics (I believe they generally have an ISO available) and test the drive to confirm it isn't faulty.


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