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Re: [LUG] Government response to petition 'nonMSschools'


james kilty wrote:
On Fri, 2009-09-25 at 12:55 +0100, Paul Sutton wrote:

Government response below

Interesting the hedging.

"To suggest that only an open source operating system should be used
would run counter to the view that schools should have flexibility and a
choice of services."


"Becta does not recommend any single operating system because the agency
believes that schools should consider and choose the best system for
their particular circumstances."

Then in

Link to Becta's advice (discussed a good while ago) to show how good
they are:

Lots on Vista's problems - then

"Due to limitations in Microsoft's implementation of the Open Document
Format (ODF) international standard, users should in the short term
continue to save files in the more widely adopted .doc, .xls and .ppt

No mention of Linux until the last para:

"If a school sets up a small network in its computer science department
running an open source operating system such as Linux, to ensure that
pupils have as wide a range of ICT skills as possible, it will have to
pay Microsoft annual licence fees for each of the Linux PCs in the

So, it is down to the individuals in the schools to know about, want to
use, and be clued up before they start. Hardly a drive as claimed:

"Becta is the Government Agency leading the national drive to ensure the
effective use of technology throughout learning."

Brick wall?
hedging , brick wall - make your mind up.
You expected a sensible response?
A new catch phrase for ya: Government joined up stinking!
Tom te tom te tom

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