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Re: [LUG] wowsa four cores for £76


Rob Beard wrote:
-original message-
Subject: Re: [LUG] wowsa four cores for £76
From: Gordon Henderson <gordon+dcglug@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 18/09/2009 13.00

On Fri, 18 Sep 2009, tom wrote:

I only buy Intel if there is NO other choice.
I buy what suits the system at the time. Currently AMD are lagging in terms of performace per watt - and that's something that very important right now. (with the exception of the Geode, but they didn't design that initially)
I you want performance per watt then surely ARM is the only way to go!
There's a trade-off between bang per buck/bang per watt and usability.

Right now there isn't a server solution based on ARM or I'd be using it today....
However, it's coming:


2GHz ARM ...

But what I want is a good solid processor with good software support and no overloaded/bloated graphics hardware!
Your average LAMP server doesn't use much CPU at all - it's mostly IO - 
stupid CPU usage like decoding SQL instructions is about the most it's 
going to do - until the muppets decide that resizing icons on the fly is a 
good idea though )-: Had a server crippled by that recently until they 
installed some caching. Weenies who never did any computer science - "Oh, 
it's slow, lets throw more hardware at it". <mutter> And get off my lawn 
while yer at it!


That's the Windows way of thinking.  Whack a nice GUI on there (or even a horrid 
GUI) just to run a web server.

I gather with Windows Server 2008 it is possible to run Windows without the GUI and 
manage it from a remote machine (although I gather the management tools still use a 

I'm hoping they bring out a cheap Mini ITX sized motherboard with this ARM chip on 
and enough graphics oompth to run HD video so I can finally have a low power media 
box which will hopefully not cost the earth.



Server Core is the GUI -less 2008 server and if you are looking for a cheap quad core server with half decent build quality then check out HP's ML115 - Quad core 2.1 Opteron (with all 3 cache working and none of that FSB nonsense!), onboard Raid (0,1,5 ...) upto 8GB EEC Ram (you can use non EEC tho) and it will take 4x SATA/SAS drives all in a workstation sized case.
You can pick these up for under £250!

I have installed several of them and would recommend sticking a seperate SATA controller in them tho(adaptec AR2610xx is my pref) as the onboard one is a bit lame when dealing with Linux - work fine with Windows 2008 tho.
Not a bad piece of kit for less than the price of a workstation and ... 
yes they work ok as one of those as well - very quiet!
IIRC the CPU pulls about 75 watts - which isn't too bad for a quad core


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