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Re: [LUG] OT: Hacker Groups


Terry Hill wrote:
    Sorry - having reread other messages in this thread I realise you
    have already gone down the Arduino route - but MikeOS is still
    worth a look :-)

No worries ;)

The arduino is great to be honest, you program in a c-like language and it's quite easy. Right now I'm wrestling with the analog outputs on it - there are 6 and the voltages they output are pulse width generated, so I'm messing around with capacitors to get the right value to smooth it out and get a "proper" DC voltage without killing the responsiveness. Nearly there on it I think.
I think I'll take a look at getting another list going if people want, 
although I'll have to read up on it first.
I've read a couple of articles on the Arduino, I can't fathom though if it needs to be permanently connected to a PC or if it can be programmed and used as a standalone device?

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