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Rob Beard wrote:
tom wrote:Simple, just e-mail it to yourself. Or in the case of one of my clients, try e-mailing a whole batch of holiday pics (120MB's worth!) in one e-mail. In that case I suggested they try Photo Buckett or Image Shack. In any case, Management types generally specify that they need a laptop so they can do powerpoint presentations, do work from home, leave the laptop on the train etc.Martijn Grooten wrote:Its called management - if you disabled USB stick access management wouldn't be able to take work home (print out holiday picks in the office)On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Rob Beardwrote:I can't remember if this was posted before, but it's an article about how a London council was infected with Conficker costing them lots of money tosort out (plus lots of lost revenue in fines). Their solution? Upgrade from Windows 2000 to Windows XP. Yeah great.I won't go into the debate whether if everyone used Linux there'd be fewer viruses, but if someone can make so much damage by plugging in an infected USB stick, then something more serious is the matter than "wrong operating system" or even "viruses are just really bad". Why did the IT security policy enable that person able to plug the infected stick in the first place?... Tom te tom te tom
Like I say its a management problem - they wont be able to email from home as the company will have sensible mail limits of a few meg.... Whatever IT do they will override an essential part of security to ensure that they can bring Virii in - mostly by insisting on windows everywhere.
Tom te tom te tom -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html