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Re: [LUG] waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!


On Fri, 31 Jul 2009, tom wrote:

I'm currently( till midnight presumably) on 512kADSL UNLIMITED for about

If you're being cut-off tonight, then it's going to be tight.. I'm really not sure if it could get actioned in time. It usually takes 7 days to do a migration. Can you verify that it's tonight and not the end of August?

What do the checkers say you can have? (Phone number + Post Code into www.samknows.com)

On the Bradworthy exchange - absolutely no LLU there. My usage is
generally less than 5G a month but can go astronomic.
I used to work for BT and would rather not have anything to do with them
- and why the hell should I pay (for 512k) the same as someone on 8Meg?

It's up to 8Mb .. What do the checkers say?

I've got the MAC code... and a ADSL router....

Give me a call if you want - but I'm only going to be here for another 10 minutes at most... 01364 698 123

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