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Re: [LUG] Kubuntu manual - recommended texts


I'm frequently surprised how good Debian's documentation is, so I don't
think it is a universal distro thing, any more than the universal human
thing that people prefer doing stuff to writing the manuals.

I must admit I often read it after it would have helped! Or when the
test server needs reinstalling.

Where I think most distro's fall down, and most software, is the overview.

For example you can buy books on "Sendmail" and "Postfix", but there are
none on being an email administrator. Which is silly because hardly
anyone runs just Postfix, or just Sendmail these days, at the very least
they have a webmail client, or a POP3 server, and possibly IMAP4 and
LDAP or database, and a spam filtering application or two....

I think part of the reason "DNS and BIND" was so successful, not only
for being about the only DNS book, but that "BIND" became so vague a
target, that it is mostly about DNS.

There are a few appearing on System Administration, but they tend to be
product focused. And I think a general "system administration" book is
probably too broad a topic anyway.


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