Richard Brown wrote:
Is it possible to temporary block a user accessing the internet using
a netgear 834dg please?
I work at an office where occasionally another bloke brings his son in
and promptly dumps in him front of a computer. He is not allowed to
access the internet but as soon as his dad's back is turned - he fires
up internet grabbing resource hungry stupid flash games.
Well with a proxy server (maybe an IPCop box or something like that) you
could block access to such sites, ideally I guess you could do with
something running Squidguard or Dansguardian. That way you could
specify that games sites are blocked. Or maybe if you could find out
what sites they are, add them to the hosts file and point them to
I assume it's a Windows XP/Vista box?
In which case the hosts file can be found in
(assuming Windows is installed on the C: drive).
An example of this which you can use to block the sites is... the destination IP address first, then the web site and then every
time something requests the site it will point to