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Re: [LUG] lug website - about Us


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Simon Waters wrote:
> Paul Sutton wrote:
>> Not sure, I ahve updated the reference section so the distribution list
>> has correct links (mandrake now mandriva)for example and have hopefully
>> got the latest versions correct. 
> It is duplicating information on the distribution review page for no
> obvious purpose.
> I think we do need reviews of Webconverger, and Embedded Debian, amongst
> others possibly done be people other than the obvious two....
> Is anyone closely involved with any other distros?
>  Simon
Ah,  i know that,  As well as writing new content I am also trying to
put the information in a logical order,  so it seems logical that if you
have read as far as about linux adn want to read more you then then find
a page on the most common distributions, which then leads on to the

I think going through each page one by one,  does allow for things to be
moved around maybe put in an archive section,  updated etc.

My next step is to crete a page which will look at software, but again
hopefully make it look more friendly,  as if I am presenting to the
reader,  so once a user has their distribution, they will then perhaps
want to look at what they can do, I can perhaps move some of the
information in the reference section to here,  and make sure each link
works before copy / pasting in to the new location.

The reference section looks rater techie, to me,  open office is
mentioned but later on, so if that is near the top as office tasks are
quite common, then later on,

btw does mozilla composer still exist,  i followed the link and there is
no mention of it, ? if not i will remove it from the list of web
development tools.


- --
Paul Sutton
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