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Re: [LUG] DDR1 memory between 200 and 400mhz, 1GB sticks needed


On Wed, 1 Jul 2009, Brad Rogers wrote:

On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 21:41:34 +0100
Rob Beard <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Rob,

(/me thinks back to when I paid £150 for a 1GB drive and that
was including a staff discount!).
Don't know you're born!  My first HD was 52MB (yes, MEGAbytes) and cost

Cue "Four Yorkshiremen" .....    :-)
And this Scotsman's first personal hard drive was 5MB for use on an Apple 
][ .. It looked like about 40 Apple floppys... I don't recall what I paid 
for it - probably something stupidly expensive.
Although just prior to that, I looked after a PDP11/40 running Unix v6 
which had a 3MB fixed disk and 1.5MB removables. These were RK 11 disk 
packs... Huge - Seemed like the best part of 2' diameter. Now that was a 
computer :)
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