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Hi folks, A while ago (possibly before Christmas) I setup a router for a friend which was running OpenWRT (a Buffalo Airstation) which was used to extend his network wirelessly. It didn't provide DHCP as he had a server which was already providing this, it was basically configured to be a wireless bridge. Now his network has changed and he wants me to setup the router to act as a normal cable router now but I can't for the life of me remember what IP address I setup for this router (or even if it's on the same subnet). I've tried various combinations with no joy. It's working as a switch perfectly well although I can't seem to reset the thing (I've tried pressing the reset button when it's turned on, pulling the power out and holding reset and putting the power back in and nothing is working). Before I give up, I just wondered if anyone knew if there was any way I could find the IP address out of the device by searching via Mac address? I've had a look in the ARP cache and it isn't appearing, and I've also checked my DHCP logs on the server in the hope that it was configured to pickup an IP that way but it looks like it is configured statically and it isn't playing ball. Anyone got any ideas how I might be able to coax out the IP of this thing? Ta, Rob -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html